
In 2012, the company set up a professional R&D team and invested special funds. It took two years to successfully develop the NC-1300 multi-functional cement slipform paver, which was put into the market in early 2014, and won unanimous praise from both old and new customers and peers.

德惠市| 光山县| 陆丰市| 台东市| 三河市| 靖宇县| 崇礼县| 青田县| 灵台县| 闽清县| 建德市| 石河子市| 永吉县| 六枝特区| 如皋市| 漾濞| 庄浪县| 武威市| 大丰市| 楚雄市| 菏泽市| 马鞍山市| 于都县| 石屏县| 洛川县| 天台县| 衡山县| 嘉善县| 泸水县| 留坝县| 扬中市| 梓潼县| 周至县| 合肥市| 齐齐哈尔市| 玉田县| 塘沽区| 中阳县| 峡江县| 泊头市| 博客|